Within these sailing instructions:
[DP] Denotes a rule for which the penalty for a breach of that rule is at the discretion of the protest committee.
[NP] Denotes that a breach of this rule will not be grounds for a protest by a boat. [Changes RRS 60.1(a)].
[SP] Denotes a rule for which a standard penalty may be applied by the Race Committee without a hearing or a discretionary penalty applied by the protest committee with a hearing. [Changes RRS 63.1, A4 and A5]
Part 1 - General
1 Organizing Authority
The 2019 ORC World Championship is organized by the Sailing Club ‘Val’ in conjunction with D-Marin Šibenik under the authority of Croatian Sailing Federation and under the overall authority of the Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) and World Sailing (WS).
2 Rules
2.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
2.2 The following rules will also apply:
ORC Rating Systems Rule
World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (Category 3 with life raft required for the long offshore race only)
2.3 No national authority prescriptions will apply.
2.4 [DP] Under RRS 87, ORC Rule 206 is changed as follows:
All sails shall have been measured and stamped by an ORC measurer. During the pre-race equipment inspection, sails will be marked for the event by stamp, sticker and/or inspector’s signature.
The maximum number of sails shall be as defined in ORC Rule 206 with one additional mainsail allowed. At least one of the two mainsails shall have a minimum of one set of reefing points. The mainsails may be interchangeable.
With the exception of the second mainsail all sails shall be aboard while racing.
Sails damaged during the series may be repaired. Sails damaged beyond repair may be replaced with permission of the Technical Committee.
2.5 Minimum crew weight as defined in ORC Rules 102.3 and 200.1(b) shall apply.
2.6 [DP][NP] A breach of RRS 48.2 or RRS 49.2 shall not be grounds for protest by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(a).
2.7 Part 2 of the Racing Rules of Sailing is replaced by Part B of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea from 20:30 to 05:30 local time.
2.8 [DP][NP] Attachment 3 of these SI shall apply for the bow numbers. Protests relating to bow numbers can be lodged only by the Race Committee or Technical Committee. This changes RRS 60.1(a), 60.3(a) and 60.4(a).
2.9 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.
3 Classes
3.1 Boats will be divided into the classes prescribed in the Notice of Race:
ORC Class A: 16.500 >= CDL > 11.620
ORC Class B: 11.620 >= CDL > 9.800
ORC Class C: 9.800 >= CDL > 8.600
3.2 Any change to a boat's CDL after applying ORC rule 305.2(b) or 305.3 shall not change the class that boat originally entered.
3.3 Classes will have separate starts and separate results.
4 Notices to competitors
4.1 Notices to competitors will be posted on two official notice boards. These are located:
- In front of the Race Office in the City of Šibenik.
- In front of the Race Office in Marina Mandalina.
4.2 Notices will also be posted on the event website at Failure or delay to post the notice on the event website will not be grounds for a request for redress by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(b).
5 Changes to sailing instructions
Any change to the Sailing Instructions will be posted before 08:00 on the day it will take effect except that any change to the schedule of races will be posted by 21:00 on the day before it will take effect.
6 Signals made ashore
6.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed on flag poles at two locations:
- In front of the Race Office in the City of Šibenik.
- In front of the Race Office in Marina Mandalina.
6.2 When flag AP is displayed ashore '1 minute' is replaced with 'not less than 70 minutes' in RRS Race Signal AP. This changes RRS Race Signal AP.
7 Races scheduled, schedule of events, number of races per day, time of last warning signal
7.1 Two offshore and six inshore races are scheduled.
7.2 Schedule
Date | Time | Event |
Sunday, 2nd June | 13:55 | First warning signal - practice race |
18:00 | Skipper's briefing | |
Monday, 3rd June | 09:55 | First warning signal - long offshore race |
Wednesday, 5th June | 10:55 | First warning signal - inshore races |
Thursday, 6th June | 10:55 | First warning signal - inshore races |
Friday, 7th June | 08:00 | Skipper's briefing |
10:55 | First warning signal - short offshore race | |
Saturday, 8th June | 10:55 | First warning signal - inshore races |
7.3 Each class will sail no more than three races per day. Flag G displayed at the finish means “There will be one more race after the one in progress.” The warning signal for the next race will be given one minute after lowering flag G with one sound.
7.4 On Saturday 8th June no warning signal will be given after 15:00.
7.5 The Organizing Authority and/or the Race Committee reserve the right to modify the above programme according to weather conditions and/or other unforeseen reasons.
8 Class flags, VHF channels, racing areas for inshore races
8.1 Class flags, VHF channels
Class | Class flag | VHF channel |
Class A | Yellow flag with D-Marin logo | 72 |
Class B | White flag with D-Marin logo | 77 |
Class C | Blue flag with D-Marin logo | 72 |
9 Racing areas
9.1 Inshore races will be sailed on two race areas: One for Classes A and C and another for Class B.
9.2 Inshore races course areas are shown in Attachment 2. Designated course areas will be announced by VHF and notices posted by the Race Committee by 21:00 on the day before it will take effect,
10 The Start
10.1 A boat starting later than 10 minutes after her starting signal in the inshore races or 30 minutes after her starting signal in the offshore races will be scored DNS. This changes RRS A4 and A5.
10.2 After signalling an individual recall, the Race Committee will attempt to broadcast the sail numbers, bow numbers or names of boats identified as OCS on the VHF channel prescribed in SI 8.1. Delay in the transmission of these calls, the order in which they are made, or any omission or failure in the transmission or reception of these, will not be grounds for a request for redress by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(b).
11 Penalty system
11.1 The penalty for breaking a rule of Part 2 while outside the zone of a rounding mark will be a One-Turn Penalty – one tack and one gybe. This changes RRS 44.1.
11.2 [DP] The maximum discretionary penalty for minor breaches of the Offshore Special Regulations or RRS 55 will be a scoring penalty of 10% calculated in accordance with RRS 44.3(c).
12 Protests and requests for redress
12.1 Protest forms are available at the Race Offices. Protest shall be delivered there within the time limit which shall be:
For inshore races: 2 hours after the last boat has finished the last race of day for her class or the Race Committee displayed AP/A or N/A. The same time limit applies to protests by the Race Committee, International Jury and Technical Committee about incidents they observe in the racing area and to requests for redress. This changes RRS 61.3 and 62.2.
For offshore races: 2 hours after the protestor's finish or the Race Committee displayed AP/A or N/A. If a boat finishes between 22:00 on 3rd June 2019 and 06:00 on 4th June 2019 her protest shall be lodged between 08:00 and 09:00 on 4th June 2019.
12.2 On 8th June 2019, the last scheduled day of racing, a request for redress based on an incident in the racing area shall be delivered to the Race Office within the protest time limit. This changes RRS 62.2, second sentence.
12.3 A measurement protest by a boat shall not be accepted after 09:00 on 7th June 2019. This changes RRS 60.1(a) and 61.3.
12.4 Notice of protests by the Race Committee, Technical Committee or International Jury will be posted to inform competitors under RRS 61.1(b).
12.5 Notices to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses will be posted:
For inshore races within 30 minutes of the protest time limit.
For offshore races within 3 hours of the finish of all the boats involved in the protest, except that protest notices will not be posted between 22:00 on 3rd June 2019 and 06:00 on 4th June 2019.
12.6 When RRS N1.4(b) is applied the time limit will be 30 minutes after the decision is given.
12.7 The decisions of the International Jury will be final as provided in RRS 70.5.
13 Scoring
13.1 The championship is valid when either four or more inshore races and one offshore race, or three or more inshore races and two offshore races are completed.
13.2 The scores of offshore races shall not be excluded when calculating a boat’s series score.
When five or more inshore races have been completed a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst inshore race score.
13.3 Inshore race results will be determined by corrected times calculated by Performance Curve Scoring and Constructed Course scoring method.
13.4 Offshore race results will be determined by corrected times calculated by Performance Curve Scoring using the Coastal / Long Distance pre-selected course model.
13.5 The decision on the scoring method and scoring parameters used will be at the sole discretion of the Race Committee and together with length of course, directions of leg and the wind speed will not be grounds for a request for redress by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(b).
14 Safety regulations
14.1 [DP][NP] A boat that retires from a race shall notify the Race Committee as soon as possible on the VHF channel prescribed in SI 8.1.
14.2 [DP][NP] A boat not intending to race shall inform the Race Office before the scheduled warning signal.
14.3 [DP] Any boat that, while racing, uses her engine for propulsion purposes to help a person or another vessel in danger, or for any other reason shall lodge a written report with the Race Committee at the first reasonable opportunity stating the reasons for her actions. If a boat does not gain a significant advantage in the race, the International Jury may impose a discretionary penalty.
15 Replacement of crew or equipment
15.1 [DP] The Technical Committee may approve crew changes (adding new crew members, replacing or disembarking crew members) by written skipper's request made no later than 2 hours before the scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race of the day. The substituted crew member shall not be aboard on any other competing boat throughout the remainder of the series. The weight of all crew members on board weighed in light street clothes after all crew changes shall not be greater than the maximum or less than the minimum as defined in ORC Rule 200.1. Crew substitutions in the Corinthian Division shall also be valid World Sailing Group 1 sailors. If not, the boat will be scored in the Open Division.
15.2 [DP] Substitution of damaged or lost equipment is not permitted unless approved by the Technical Committee. Requests for substitution shall be made to the Technical Committee at the first reasonable opportunity.
16 Equipment and measurement checks
A boat and/or her equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with its certificate and sailing instructions.
[DP] On the water or after arriving in the harbour, a boat may be instructed by the measurer to proceed immediately for inspection. This instruction may be transmitted by VHF.
17 Official boats
17.1 Official boats will display a white flag with ‘RC’, white flag with ‘Jury’ or white flag with ‘TC’. Failure of any official boat to display her flag will not be grounds for a request for redress by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(b).
17.2 Vessels used by press, photographers, film crews, VIPs etc. are not under the jurisdiction of the Race Committee. Any action by these boats shall not be grounds for a request for redress by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(b).
18 Support boats
[DP] Support boats shall be registered at the Race Office where an identification number will be assigned. Identification shall be visible at all times. All support boats shall keep well clear of the starting area and, after the preparatory signal, shall not approach within 100 meters of any boat racing. A breach of this sailing instruction may result in a scoring penalty against the boat associated with the support boat and/or withdrawal of permission to be in the racing area for one or more days.
19 Haul-out restriction
[DP] From 09:00 on 31st May 2019 yachts shall not be hauled out except for the purposes of repairing damage and only after written permission from the Technical Committee. While hauled for this purpose, cleaning and polishing of the hull below the waterline will not be permitted. Appendages shall not be removed from the boat during the series.
20 Communication
20.1 [DP][NP] Radio communication with the Race Committee during the regatta will be on the VHF channels prescribed in SI 8.1. The Race Committee may transmit confirmation of any race signal over VHF. Failure to make a broadcast or to time it accurately will not be grounds for a request for redress by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(b).
20.2 [DP] Except when communicating with the Race Committee, in an emergency or when using equipment provided by the Race Committee or Organising Authority, while racing a boat shall neither make nor receive radio, telephone transmissions or communications in any form that are not publicly available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones and watches with communications capability. This changes RRS 41.
21 Trophies and prizes
Trophies will be awarded in each class to:
- The first three boats.
- The first boat in the Corinthian division.
The Organisers may also award additional prizes.
22 Disclaimer of liability
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk, see RRS 4 - Decision to Race. The Organizing Authority, Sailing Club Val, Croatian Sailing Federation, ORC and any other party involved in the organization of the regatta will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. Each boat owner or his representative accepts these terms by signing the entry form.
Part 2 - Inshore Races
23 The courses
23.1 The diagram in Attachment 1 shows the courses, including the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be passed.
23.2 No later than the warning signal, the Race Committee Signal Vessel will display the approximate compass bearing and distance of the first leg.
24 Marks
24.1 ORC Class A
Mark 1................................................... Red cylindrical buoy
Mark 1A................................................. Red cylindrical buoy
Marks 3S and 3P (gate)......................... Black cylindrical buoys
Starting marks...................................... Race Committee vessels
Finishing mark...................................... Red cylindrical buoy
New marks (SI 24.1).............................. Green cylindrical buoy
24.2 ORC Class C
Mark 2................................................... Black cylindrical buoy
Mark 2A................................................ Black cylindrical buoy
Marks 3S and 3P (gate)......................... Black cylindrical buoys
Starting marks...................................... Race Committee vessels
Finishing mark ...................................... Red cylindrical buoy
New marks (SI 24.1).............................. Yellow cylindrical buoy
24.3 ORC Class B
Mark 1................................................... Red triangle buoy
Mark 1A................................................. Red triangle buoy
Marks 2S and 2P (gate)......................... Red triangle buoys
Starting marks...................................... Race Committee vessels
Finishing mark ...................................... Black cylindrical buoy
New marks (SI 24.1).............................. Green cylindrical buoy
25 Change of the next leg of the course
To change the next leg of the course, the Race Committee will lay a new mark and remove the original mark as soon as practicable. If mark 1 is replaced by a new mark, mark 1A will not be replaced and will no longer be a mark of the course for boats after rounding the new mark. When in a subsequent change a new mark is replaced, it will be replaced by an original mark except that mark 1A will not be replaced.
26 Starting line
The starting line will be between masts displaying orange flags on the Race Committee vessels.
27 Finishing line
The finishing line will be between a mast displaying an orange flag on a Race Committee and the course side of the finishing mark.
28 Time limits, target time
28.1 The time limit for the first boat to finish will be 2 hours after the starting signal
28.2 Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish. This changes RRS 35, A4 and A5.
Part 3 - long and Short Offshore races
29 Courses to be sailed
Offshore race courses with description of the marks, positions of the starting line, finishing line and the order in which marks are to be passed, the side on which each mark is to be passed and time limits will be announced no later than:
- 22:00 on 2nd June 2019 for the long offshore race.
- 22:00 on 6th June 2019 for the short offshore race.
30 The start
30.1 The starting marks will be Race Committee vessels.
30.2 The starting line will be between masts displaying orange flags on the Race Committee vessels.
30.3 For the long and short offshore races only, RRS 28 is changed as follows:
In RRS 28.1, delete the first sentence and replace with:
'A boat shall cross the starting line after having been entirely on the pre-start side at or after her starting signal and sail the course described in the sailing instructions and finish.'
In RRS 28.2, delete the first sentence and replace with:
'A string representing a boat's track from the time she begins to approach the starting line from its pre-start side to cross it until she finishes shall, when drawn taut, …'
30.4 [SP] A boat that does not comply with SI 30.3 will receive the 20% scoring penalty as defined in RRS 44.3(c). This changes RRS A4 and A5.
31 Windward mark
31.1 The Race Committee may set a windward mark which will be black cylindrical buoy to obtain a first leg to windward. If this mark is set, it will be approximately one nautical mile from the starting area. No later than the warning signal the Race Committee will display the approximate compass bearing from the Race Committee signal vessel to the windward mark together with either:
A RED flag which indicates the mark shall be left to PORT. Or:
A GREEN flag which indicates the mark shall be left to STARBOARD.
32 The finish
32.1 Finishing mark which will be black cylindrical buoy.
32.2 The finishing line will be between a mast displaying an orange flag on a Race Committee finishing vessel and the course side of the nearby finishing mark.
32.3 [DP][NP] Boats that finish by night shall illuminate their sail numbers when finishing, and in case of doubt shall identify themselves to the Race Committee immediately after finishing using VHF ch77.
ATTACHMENT 1 - Courses for Inshore Races
ORC Class A and ORC Class C
Order of rounding:
ORC Class A: Start – 1 – 1A – 3P/3S (Gate) – 1 – 1 A – 3P – Finish
ORC Class C: Start – 2 – 2A – 3P/3S (Gate) – 2 – 2 A – 3P - Finish
ORC Class B
Order of rounding:
ORC Class B: Start – 1 – 1A – 2P/2S (Gate) – 1 – 1 A – 2P – Finish
ATTACHMENT 2 – Inshore races course areas
ATTACHMENT 3 – Bow Numbers
Bow numbers shall be placed as forward as possible.